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The United States announced a "double reverse" investigation of China's exports to the United States   Sunday, 18 December 2016

US Department of Commerce announced on the 21st, China will lose US steel products drill pipe initiated anti-dumping countervailing merger investigation. This is the 2010 US "double reverse" investigation of the first case.
The American Steel Workers' Union and several US steelmakers filed a lawsuit on December 31 last year calling for a 429% to 496% anti-dumping duty on drill rods imported from China and a countervailing duty.

According to the US government statistics, in 2008 the United States from China imported drill pipe products worth 195 million US dollars. But the United States did not provide 2009 related products imports.

By the United States domestic economic downturn, the rise of trade protectionism and politician manipulation and other factors, the United States recently on the Chinese products to implement trade remedy measures. In this regard, China has repeatedly solemn representations, and asked the United States to abide by the consensus reached by both sides, against trade protectionism, to jointly cope with the financial crisis.

According to the US-related procedures, the US Department of Commerce ruled that the US Department of Commerce ruled mainly whether the subsidy or dumping behavior occurred, the proportion of subsidies or dumping; the US International Trade Commission ruled that the behavior of the US industry damage. If both parties make a positive decision, the US Department of Commerce can order the Customs to impose anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on the relevant products.